Zoe™ Room
Our 3K classroom draws on your child’s natural curiosity and desire to make sense of their world and motivates them to become involved in interesting learning activities. Our caring teachers provide many opportunities for the children to learn and work together cooperatively while developing their social skills. The teachers foster these developmental skills at all times by modeling expected behavior, coaching, grouping and redirecting various behaviors.
Kiddie Kare A’Kademie’s customized curriculum has been developed over 29 years to incorporate our scheduled academics (colors, shapes, numbers and phonics). This will keep your child engaged and excited about learning.
Learning phonetic sounds and name recognition are important first steps in pre-reading skills.
Fine motor skills: Eye-hand coordination along with how to hold a pencil, how to hold and cut with scissors and beginning handwriting.
Large motor skills: outdoor recess (2 fenced in age-appropriate playgrounds), parachute, yoga, dance and other group activities allow your child to exert their natural energy while learning from nature and necessary social/emotional skills. It also helps in children learning manners and important interactive skills (sharing, communication and respect).
Our classroom space and materials are organized into interesting learning centers to support your three year olds progressive ability to learn new skills, test things out, and express their ideas and feelings. These classroom centers are set up to encourage children to select activities, engage in hands-on exploration as well as being exposed to many learning experiences.
- Recognizes letters and their phonetic sounds.
- Recognizes their first and last name.
- Writes letters A through Z (upper and lower).
- Writes their first name.
- Holds pencil properly – according to the Kenosha Unified guidelines.
- Holds and cuts with scissors properly.
- Knows basic colors and shapes.
- Counts to 31 (or higher) and recognizes numbers by sight using the classroom calendar.
- Follows simple directions to complete a project.
- Understands how to sort objects by color or shape.
- Age appropriate academic worksheets specifically designed for each age group covering phonics, shapes, colors, and numbers. *See Academics Covered tab.
- Daily Group Instruction – calendar, weather, flag, stories and introduction of the daysacademics.
- Days of the week, months of the year, calendar
- Weather
- Letter recognition and phonetic awareness A-Z
- Count forward to 30, backwards from 20
- Color and shape recognition
- Spanish numbers 1-10
- Colors
- Proper pencil grip
- Name recognition, spelling, tracing/writing of first name
- Proper scissor handling, cutting on a line
- Sorting and matching
- Intro to simple adding and subtracting