Big Bird™ Room
Before and After School Program
Kiddie Kare A’Kademie’s #1 business is to provide Quality Care for Kids. We pride ourselves on providing children with an educationally caring environment. We offer a safe, fun-filled and KOOL school age daycare (through age 12) as well as providing a wonderful academic program for our preschoolers. Our primary school is Jeffery Elementary which is located only 6 blocks north of our school.
First Student bus service transports the children to and from Jeffrey Elementary daily. We accept children from other schools, including private schools, to be a part of our Before and After School Program. However if your child does not attend Jeffery Elementary it is your responsibility to provide transportation through friends or family members.
There are many aspects to our Before and After School School Age Daycare:
Before School – Kiddie Kare A’Kademie opens at 6:00 AM – we provide breakfast to all the children who arrive in time to eat before the bus arrives at 7:10 AM – to take the children to Jeffery Elementary.
Early Release Days – Kenosha Unified schools have early release on Fridays – Jeffrey Elementary included. The bus arrives at Kiddie Kare A’Kademie at 11:30 AM.
After School – The bus from Jeffery Elementary arrives at Kiddie Kare A’Kademie at 2:35 PM every afternoon (except Fridays – see above information).
All Day Care – Kiddie Kare A’Kademie offers an all-day care option for 12 and under.
Playground Time – the children head straight to the playground to relax and play with friends. The children always love to spend time outdoors – weather permitting. We have 2 large fenced in playgrounds – one that has been especially designed for children 4 years and older. We have a large grass area for the children to play in groups (football, soccer, kickball, etc…) or independently (draw with chalk, jump rope, etc.).
Every child receives an afternoon snack which is provided by Kiddie Kare A’Kademie.
We take 30 minutes a day to complete homework, read books, work on puzzles or to participate in other quiet activities. This is a great time to rest our bodies while we stimulate our minds. Homework time is teacher directed so your child will always receive the help they need to complete their homework. This allows for more family time and other activities when their parents pick them up. We have a library of age-appropriate reading and reference books for the children to choose from.
Our room is well equipped with Board Games, Building Toys, and Craft Supplies. There are also teacher directed art projects, group games and activities to make time together a pleasure.
Kiddie Kare A’Kademie is open year round. This allows us to care for your child during winter break, spring break, summer, teacher work days and all other days that their primary school may be closed or have early release. We are only closed on primary holidays (please see our school policies and information page for a list of these days.)
Kamp Kaleidoscope is packed with many fun themes, field trips, visitors (Mad Science from Milwaukee), science experiments, crafts, sports and cooking. We also continue academics through the summer. We review the academics your child learned during their previous school year PLUS introduce your child to the new academics they will learn during the upcoming school year. This gives them a great head start!!
We know most of our parents are very busy, that’s why our communication with parents is done mostly via e-mail. This allows you to contact us when it is convenient for you. The director contacts all parents, of school aged children, no less than 2 weeks prior to a teacher workday, spring break etc. to verify the hours your child will need to attend during their break from school. This is a gentle reminder that the break is approaching and also a chance for you to notify Kiddie Kare A’Kademie the hours your child will need to attend. There is an added fee for the extra hours (please see our rate page for more information.)